Monday, April 14, 2008

All About Us (Edward/Bella) Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse

I am obsessed about these books and can't wait until the movie comes out. If you haven't read the series twilight READ them you'll get hooked!!!


SHANNA said...

i'm so excited!!! good clip.... i can't wait for the movie.

The Greene Gang said...

Thanks for putting that little trailer on your blog, I have mixed feelings about the movie-sometimes they ruin the images you made up for yourself while reading! I read Eclipse and New Moon each in 2 days, and since then have decided I can't read books because I don't get anything else done!

biddles and scootch said...

did you know that Jasmine is in the movie? And bella's truck in the movie is Jasmine's grandpas truck.

Nikki said...

yeah tori told me cool!

Twilight Fan said...

hi, we are fans of the Twilight too. It's wonderful <3. We lead a blog about this, but we began yesterday. We want to invite You :) :)
loovee. :) :*