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It actually doesn't look too bad, but even Adam was a bit sad after we cut it...
Posted by Nikki at 11:38 AM 3 comments
Riley has really taken a liking to Holland. At first he wouldn't even kiss or hold her now shes the first thing he goes to after school. Hes such a big help. Always willing to hold her and he loves putting her to sleep. He lays on the couch with Holland on his chest.
Paige is not that into her as I thought. She holds her and kisses her but not as much as Riley.
Owen Always has to know where "baby" is, that's what he calls her. But he's not a big help either. If I ask him to get something he say "no you get it." Hes such a little punk. Since Hollands been born he won't go to nursery which he loved! Last week he wouldn't leave my side. In a couple of weeks hes a Sunbeam. So we'll see how he does.
Posted by Nikki at 9:54 AM 3 comments
Holland is finally here. She weighed 8lbs and 19 1/2in long, I thought she was going to be over 9lbs. Everything went really well and fast, thank goodness!
Owen loves looking at her feet for some reason. He loves to old her and give her kisses. When he wakes up in the morning shes the first thing he asks for. Paige was so excited to see her new sister she cried.
Riley, well hes getting used to her. He didn't want to hold her the first couple of days, which was weird but now hes more willing. We got home before the kids got home from school so this was the first time they saw their new sister. They couldn't come to the Hospital because of the H1N1 so they had to wait. Paige was pretty sad.
Posted by Nikki at 12:20 PM 1 comments
OK so finally I have Halloween pictures up. Riley was Harry Potter, Paige was a Dutch Girl, and Owen was a Lion.
They of course had tons of fun. They had 2 nights of Trick or Treating so lots of candy!!!
Posted by Nikki at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Owen had a Jungle Birthday Party. He actually had 3 parties. He had his birthday with us which we went to his favorite place to eat McDonald's! Then we went to the park and went on the Carousel and had movie night and since it was "his" day he picked Night at the Museum. Then Sunday we had a family party and on Wednesday he had his friends party. So I think he had a pretty good Birthday!
These are the goody bags I made.
I put green streamers (which were the vines in the jungle) in front of the door so they had to walk through them to get in with a sign saying "Welcome to the Jungle". I had a friend make me this tiger. Since there were kids ranging from 16mo to 4yrs I had to think of some games that would work for all of them. So we did a bean bag toss throw in the tigers mouth and took pictures with their heads popping out and colored masks and of course they run, played, ate lunch and had cupcakes! (which if you can't tell I made Tiger, Zebra and Giraffe cupcakes) He had so much fun!
Posted by Nikki at 4:18 PM 7 comments
Over Labor Day weekend we went to my sisters beach house on the Washington coast. I've been wanting to go all summer long. They've had perfect weather but of course when I finally got to go it was cold and rainy! Just my luck! It was disappointing but it was still fun.
Riley and Paige were so excited to finally go to the beach they just ran in with there clothes on. But I kept my mouth shut even though I was dying, cuz they had fun!
My brother-n-law made a potato launcher (he's from Idaho, that explains everything!!!) So the guys had fun seeing how far they can shoot'em.
Posted by Nikki at 10:38 AM 2 comments
This is the trail you walked to get to the beach from the beach house. It was so cool. I love the tall grass.
Theres a lot of Owen because Riley and Paige kept running a head with everyone else. So it was usually just me (7 1/2mo pregnant) with Owen and my dad in the back.
Its looks warm but it was cold!!! But he wanted to play in the sand, boys!!!!
Posted by Nikki at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Every time the grand kids get together they always like to do a talent show (which is always just dancing around). Its fun to watch. Brooklyn the oldest (shes 10) always choreographs and puts the costumes together before hand and calls everyone and lets them know what they need to bring for it. Its funny because they youngest kids just run around and do what ever.
Owen trying to beat up Poppy!
Posted by Nikki at 10:07 AM 0 comments
This was a trail we took to take to see a light house. It was a really pretty walk. It reminded me of the forest in the Twilight movie!!! oh and speaking of Twilight, we passed the town where they filmed it but no one wanted to stop for me to take pictures, rude!!! This was the same trail to the light house. It was so pretty.
Posted by Nikki at 9:55 AM 0 comments
I've never been the one to decorate for Halloween or dress up but now that my kids are older they love all the spooky things (especially my Riley). Its a fun change I guess. Every Holiday I like to make a decoration. This year for Halloween I made this spider. I think It turned out pretty cute!
Posted by Nikki at 10:17 AM 0 comments